Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Rolling Along

Vessel Examiners, our front line members in Recreational Boating
Safety are rolling right along in 2014.

As of the beginning of April our 1672 Vessel Examiners have initiated
2631 Vessel Exams with 2454 passing.

Also I am seeing new VSEs weekly who have taken the 'On-line Vessel
Safety Check' and joining our ranks to get out and pass on our Safety
Message to the boating public.

Stf/C Lee R. Chasse, AP
USPS Safety/VSC Vice Chair

Stf/C Lee R. Chasse,AP
USPS Safety/VSC Vice Program Chair
Boating is Fun - Let us show you how

Monday, January 6, 2014

2014 VSC Decals

Ahoy All. I have been informed the mailing of the 2014 VSC Decals
will begin this coming Friday. Decals will go out at the rate of 150%
of individuals 2013 totals. It will be the VSC Chair at Squadron
level to decide what total each VE initially gets. At least 60% of
the initial issue must be utilized before any additional decals will
be given out. Decals above the 150% amount must be justified at the
HQ USPS Safety/VSC level. A letter will be inclosed for Squadron VSC
Chairs and District VSC Chairs to explain the new requirements for
them. Stf/C Lee R. Chasse, Safety/VSC Chair

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Microsoft Security Essentials

Monday, August 12, 2013

2013 History Report

All squadrons and districts should now be working on their 2013 history report.  Remember the history report goes from Change of Watch  2013 to Change or Watch 2014.    Once each report is finished, send it in electronically from you DB2000.  Make sure you update your database program to the latest version.  Use
 http://usps.org/php/historian/historysearch.php to see what history reports in your squadron and district have been completed. 
If you have questions, please contact the person working with your district or me
Stf/C Margaret K. Miller, S  918-786-9338 or pegymiller74344@aol.com

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Your VSC Website

Ahoy Members
Just a reminder that your VSC Website at www.usps.org/national/vsc is
updated with informative items.
Insure your browser updates/refreshes each time you visit the site
to insure you are seeing current information.
Thank You
Stf/C Lee R. Chasse, AP
USPS Safety/VSC Program Chair

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Microsoft Security Essentials

Friday, December 21, 2012

USPS Signs Agreement With Marriott

Ahoy, district commanders and conference chairmen, USPS has signed an agreement with the Marriott Group of hotels. When you choose the Marriott Group for a future conference, you will be offered discount room pricing, and your district can earn Marriott Reward points to use at its discretion. This also benefits USPS. You provide your requirements; Marriott will do the walking. We put you together, and you start talking. Click below for more information.Nigel E. Hargreaves

READ MORE www.usps.org/php/marriott

Monday, November 19, 2012

CPR & First Aid Facts

Cardiovascular disease continues to be the number one cause of death in the United States. The Center for Disease Control attributes 831,000 deaths each year to cardiovascular disease. CDC further estimates that 456,000 heart-related deaths occur each year before the victim reaches the hospital. If a person experiencing sudden cardiac arrest receives a shock from a defibrillator and CPR within the first four minutes, there is a 62 percent chance of full recovery.

In major metropolitan areas of our country, the average response time for an EMT/Paramedic to arrive at the scene of a person in distress is 10 minutes from the time a call is received. When medical emergencies occur on the water, however, entry into the Emergency Medical System takes significantly longer than it does on land. Due to the delay in getting help, boaters have a greater need to recognize the signs and symptoms of a person in distress and know the proper procedures to save the lives of crew or guests aboard their vessels. In the Chesapeake Bay, the Baltimore Sector of the U.S. Coast Guard estimates the average response time for help to arrive at the scene of a medical emergency, remove the victim(s) from the vessel, and deliver them to the EMS, is 1.75 hours and may be as long as 2.75 hours.

The U.S. Coast Guard recognizes the value of a quick, appropriate response to a medical emergency and recommends that every boater
  • be trained in CPR and first aid,
  • have an Automated External Defibrillator on board, and
  • have a first aid kit appropriate to the anticipated time for entry into the EMS.
CPR & First Aid training is being made available to USPS members on 16 Jan. at our Annual Meeting in Jacksonville, Fla.

More information and registration forms are available at http://www.usps.org/national/safety/cpr-1staid+.html or by contacting me, CPR & First Aid National Chairman, Alan Karpas, at USPS.CPR1stAid@gmail.com or 301-767-5905.

Monday, October 8, 2012

USPS Monthly Broadcast Input

There are new USPS Course and seminars available online through University of West Florida. Courses are Seamanship, Weather, and Sail. There are 18 seminars and several under development. Go to UWF.edu Continuing Education - Maritime Studies - USPS Online courses. There is a link on the USPS home web page.

The Education Outreach Committee needs several members to help develop the online material and others to narrate the presentations. Either submit a USPS Resume of contact the EOCom Chair.

R/C Wilbur Hugli, SN

Dr. Wilbur Hugli