Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Planning Committee Survey

This message was sent to District Planning Network members and is being posted here in hopes that squadron commanders will pass the word to their members.

The National Planning Committee would like to offer every squadron member the opportunity to provide input to the organization, through the National Planning Committee, by participating in a short, online survey. We need your help to extend this offer, and, there will be something special for the district with the highest percentage of respondents!

We ask that the District Planning Committee Chair (or another officer assigned by the D/C) send an invitation to participate in the survey to each squadron commander as soon as possible with the request that they in turn distribute it to their members.

To make this easy, the attached document contains a brief invitation to participate in the survey with the online “link” on which members can “click” to take the survey embedded in the invitation. Send it to your squadron commanders and ask them to send it via email to as many squadron members as possible. Distributing the “link” electronically is, for obvious reasons, preferred. As a less desirable alternative, squadron commanders can publish the information (the “link”) in the next issue of their squadron newsletter. The link itself is as follows:

USPS® Planning Committee Survey (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=tozUmx10Vy6ebPmUI15Jbw_3d_3d)

Another idea that might be fun, and could be done in addition to sending the survey by email, would be to set up a laptop computer on the registration desk at upcoming squadron events, or at your next district event! (Note: You’ll need an Internet connection.)

Simply put, the goal is to get the invitation and “link” to as many members as possible!

Attendees who visited the National Planning Committee booth at the expo held in conjunction with the recent Governing Board meeting in Norfolk were given the opportunity to fill out a short, paper-based survey similar to the one we are offering online. C/C Ernie Marshburn, SN, filled out the first one. While over 10% of the Governing Board meeting attendees filled out the survey, many of those who did were on national committees or repeatedly attend national meetings. So, the results could be considered somewhat biased. The National Planning Committee is interested in a broader perspective that can be obtained through greater survey participation.

To get greater participation, we’ve developed an online survey using the “Survey Monkey” website. Members need only “click” on the hyperlink provided and the survey will appear. The survey will only take members a few minutes to complete, and it is pretty easy.

The National Planning Committee thanks you in advance for your expeditious help in this matter. And, as always, please send your comments and suggestions to us by replying to d-plan-net@usps.org.


R/C William M Bellinger, SN, PlanCom Chair
Members of the National Planning Committee