Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Recruiting Strategies

As most of you now by now USPS has a problem recruiting enough members to replace the ones we lose each year. The often asked question is “What can we do to prevent this from happening year after year?” Here are just a few suggestions that might help your squadron:

A. Public awareness of who we are continues to be an identity crisis. Just tell anyone on the street you’re from United States Power Squadrons or the Any-town Sail and Power squadron and what reaction do you get. Yes, the answer in your head should tell you we have an identity problem. A public relations campaign, giving the new seminars on a regular basis, developing an attractive booth display highlighting our teaching and civic service, publicizing our accomplishments in the local newspapers, and stating our accomplishments in a positive light are just a few.

B. Where is our booth at boat shows usually found? It is probably in a corner with all the other nonprofits. One solution is to go out in the aisles and greet people, or better still, walk the aisles with brochures explaining our seminars and inviting people to come see you for more information. Also, don’t forget to display our squadron public boating course book, USPS course material and new seminar material.

C. Design you own squadron brochure. There are two templates on the National Membership Website. Don’t forget to include your phone number and website on all you handouts. If you have handouts from National – cover their address and phone number with yours. If there is no address or phone, add yours. Most people will NOT make two phone calls to find out information. Don’t forget to add a benefits flyer to all your handouts. It can be found on the member benefits pages on

D. Is your website up-to-date? If not, take it down! Most people will come looking for class information and if they don’t find it in two clicks, or it’s out of date - their gone! Think about putting an easy way for them to register for classes and seminars on your website. If you need help with any of these items, call a squadron that is succeeding in your weak area and ask for help. We are not in competition with other squadrons, but rather in the same boat and should be paddling in the same direction.

E. When speaking or appearing in public, give some thought as to how the public perceives your squadron. This is very important. Are you just another boating organization or are you an organization that helps the community and environment while having fun? Don’t forget we can offer something no one else can – our member courses – Seamanship, Piloting, Weather, etc. (Please note that when National designed the new Boat Operators Certification Program, people seeking this certification must take some of our courses – that means members that you need to turn into volunteers)

F. Think about your own squadron for a moment – how many people work on your membership team or the recruiting committee? How many people are a part of your Member Involvement Committee? About half your members should be involved somehow with your membership or member involvement teams. I bet you have lots of inactive members – ever thought about calling them and inviting them to help with a specific project. Don’t let the fear of rejection prevent you from doing this important task. Stress that their help is needed. Be specific about the amount of time to be given. Give a begin date and end date. Explain exactly what is going to happen and what you want them to do. And don’t forget to ask if they can’t do it this time, may you call on them in the future.

Now a-days it takes planning, understanding your audience, publicity, and a squadron dedicated to building a recruiting team as well as communication within the squadron and across all department lines in order to rebuild and involve your membership. It’s a job for all the members of the squadron, not just a small membership department. Every time someone represents USPS at an event or on a dock, they need to present a picture of who we are and what we do. Our members need to be as educated as our leaders about our mission – we are not just another boating club. Remember, we have something very special to give people who join our organization. Our message should be USPS is here for you and our communities. We are willing, ready and able to serve our communities and our youth. If you take these words to heart, I can’t guarantee overnight success but I can guarantee a good start to rebuilding your squadron one volunteer at a time.

Stf/C Connie Beckman, JN