Sunday, May 11, 2008

Internet Opportunities for Finding New Members

To: Squadron Commanders

From: R/C Roberta L. Dougherty, AP

RE: Internet Opportunities for Finding New Members

Date: 9 May 2008

As many of you may know, the USPS website, , weekly receives approximately 200 hits on the url link for “Become a Member.” In an effort to respond personally to the inquiries of these potential members, the Membership Committee leaders worked with the Secretary’s Department to develop a standard procedure to reply to these interested persons. Our reply team is comprised of committee volunteers who will work to maintain the conduit of communication and information flowing between these potential new members and you, the local squadron leader.

In order to ensure the success of this program, please make a concerted effort to keep your information current in the DB2000 database. Also, make certain that the contact person for your squadron is still willing to serve in this capacity. If not, please send me an email request and I will forward instructions for updating the contact’s information in the appropriate places. ITCom is currently addressing the issue of finding an easier way to assure the accuracy through out USPS when squadrons maintain their various forms.

The following steps are outlined for your reference so that if you receive an email from Beverly Wiley, Membership Service Representative, suggesting you contact a potential new member, you will be prepared to “make it happen” and invite them to attend a squadron function and eventually join your squadron.

1. The prospective member clicks on “Become a Member” web link.

2. A letter is automatically generated to this interested person, giving a brief overview of who we are and an email containing his/her information is sent to

3. The Membership Service Representative (MemServRep), Barbara Wiley, locates the nearest squadron(s).

4. A letter is sent to the Squadron giving contact info with a quick letter asking them to contact the potential member within 4 days. At the same time a response is sent to the potential member telling them what is being done.

5. If no contact is made by the squadron, a phone call will be made to the squadron contact by the MemServRep.

6. If more than one squadron operates in an area, the potential member will be sent a letter requesting he research squadrons and let the MemServRep know which squadron(s) he wants an introduction to.

7. A follow-up query will be sent to the targeted squadron one month after this initial contact to determine the status of the potential member. Hopefully he has joined the squadron.

8. If squadron doesn't reply that contact was made, MemServRep will contact the potential member to determine what is happening and facilitate the process.

9. If the potential member doesn’t join a squadron, a thank you email will be sent by the MemServRep and his information is kept on file for five years.

Thank you for working with us to grow USPS. Boating is fun. We can show them how!