Friday, June 6, 2008

U.S. Coast Guard Infoline/Hotline Discontinued

U.S. Coast Guard Infoline/Hotline 800-Number -- No Longer in Service


As many of you may recall, the U. S. Coast Guard Infoline (a toll-free phone number formerly referred to as the Boating Safety Hotline) was discontinued October 1, 2006 due to budget shortfalls.  At that time, the Coast Guard requested our partner organizations to remove the 800 number from active websites and customer assistance phone services, and to discontinue the use of the number in all printed material. 


It has recently come to the Coast Guard's attention that the CG Infoline 800 number (800-368-5647) has been privately reactivated and now leads to a secondary 800 number that is unrelated to boating safety when dialed.  All Coast Guard field units have been directed to obliterate this number from all forms and publications where it appears.  All replacement stock of these forms and publications no longer carry the CG Infoline number.


Due to the fact that the boating public is still continuing to attempt to reach us at this number, we are asking for your assistance in ensuring that your membership is aware that the Coast Guard Infoline/Hotline is no longer in use and to discontinue the placement of the number in all publications and services.  It is further requested that, where possible, you obliterate this number from any existing stock of materials in order to prevent any misdirection or confusion for the recreational boating public. 


Your cooperation and assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated, and thank you for all you do to make recreational boating safer for our boating public.