Friday, September 12, 2008

Fall Governing Board Update

Fall Governing Board

The Fall Governing Board in Detroit is now history. If you missed it, you might be interested in the meeting CD. Call Headquarters 1-888-367-8777 to see if there are any left. You can also find the reports which were in the seat packets online.

The URL is:

While you’re online, you may want to review the latest issue of the Secretary’s Department Newsletter.

The URL is:

Newsworthy Items

R/C Roberta Dougherty and the Membership Committee have compiled a list of newsworthy items.

The URL is:

Spring Survey

The results of the Spring Survey were compiled by P/V/C Baldridge and can be found on the web.

The URL is:


The Marketing/Public Relations Committee launched an online PRO-LOG in Detroit. Check it out.

The URL is:

Boating is fun…we’ll show you how