Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Navigating the USPS Membership Committee Website

Or “what is where in Membership online”

Web address:
The USPS Membership Committee is one of the largest and most important committees of our organization. We are divided in three divisions, each chaired by a Staff Commander. Additionally there is a national team at Headquarters led by Lena Padro,, which takes care of the organization and the daily need-to-do-activities of the committee. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact me directly.
Roberta L. Dougherty, AP – R/C, National Membership Committee
Every Member of USPS is on the Member Ship!

Main Membership Committee page:
Reading from left to right we find:

1) Left Column: NEW STUFF

3) Presentations & Tools

4) Other Stuff (Right-hand column on MemCom Homepage

Youth Activities & Community Outreach Home Page – Stf/C Douglas Sewell, SN