Sunday, January 18, 2009

Membership Committee Update

Keep DB2000 Member Data Current

Please insure that all information for officers in your squadron DB2000 file is current and accurate.  Online web hits from potential new members can only be accurately forwarded if your contact data is current.


Absorb Unattached Members

Please make every effort to absorb unattached members into your squadron should a neighboring squadron be dissolved. Invite them to your events and call them regularly. This is a growing number and squadrons need to work in harmony to promote the USPS agenda, share learning experiences and boating activities.  A dues paying member is an asset not to be ignored!


What’s new? – Look for “*Learn from the Best*” - the new recruiting brochure that highlights educational opportunities focused on enhancing skills while having fun. Available at the Annual Meeting


New Member Involvement Retention Award (MIRA) Deadline

Deadline is 15 May 2009.  Download the application and submit to P/R/C Priscilla Clarke, AP.  Award is funded by the Selden Family and winning squadrons are awarded $$$ for outstanding programs.


Roberta L. Dougherty, AP

R/C Membership Committee

United States Powers Squadrons