Saturday, August 15, 2009

USPS / SailAngle Project Off to a Good Start

Beginning August 1st, USPS kicked off a campaign to encourage members to sign up for free at By now you should have received a copy of a message sent by the Chief regarding this project. A copy of the message can be found at .

Working with USPS, SailAngle set up special Private Groups for every Squadron, District, and National committee. This provides a very effective communication platform for USPS. In addition, our members receive free access to all the other features on

If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so by clicking on the “Access” button on the home page. Follow the steps and the website will automatically place you in the proper District and Squadron and any Departments and Committees in which you are currently a member. If you should have a problem, there is slideshow to take you thru the process.

This new website is not meant to replace, or any local squadron website. However, the features on the website are numerous and beneficial, and the special features in Groups are very powerful tools. For example, there are two types of Group Messages:

1. With just a click of the mouse, a group member can send a notice, message or invitation to everyone in that group; or

2. A member can send a Group Forum Message where all responses are posted in the Group Forum for all members to see.

It’s important that you sign up as we intend to begin using these features to communicate with the membership.

If you are concerned about security of your information, has taken extraordinary steps to maintain confidentiality of your private information and they contract with a well-known security contractor to continually monitor security. Additionally, agreed to the same terms of service that USPS provides to our members, namely that email addresses are never shared with, or sold to any third parties.

I’m pleased to announce that we are off to a good start. So far the feedback has been very positive. Comments like these (listed below) seem to show that the majority of those who have signed up like the new website.

“WOW! WOW! WOW! Great Website! Congratulations. It is beautiful, functional and informative. What is even more impressive is you were able to work with USPS and get their endorsement! I was referred to Sailangle by an email from the San Diego Sail and Power Squadron. This partnership is beneficial to both organizations. The whole package is so informative to the boating community as a whole. It is "win-win" for everyone. “

“This is a pretty neat web site. Our squadron has begun the process of signing on. Thanks a lot.”

“Justin, the forum posting changes are fantastic. Many thanks. Also, thanks for clarifying the difference between the types of messaging. Really appreciate your responsiveness!”

“Everybody I invited to be a friend accepted, what a friendly group.”

Any time you bring a new system online you learn from the users. One of the things which we’ve learned is that the users want more control of the notification emails which are sent. The SailAngle team was quick to respond and we now have “Email Notification Preferences”.

We also plan to offer on-line courses through and other public websites, but access to America’s Boating Course and Seamanship are now available through with more to come.

We expect our exposure on will help us increase our awareness in the general community, increase membership, increase revenue, and generally help us achieve our mission of community service and safe boating education.

You can help by signing up and encouraging the members of your squadron to do the same. The sooner we get everyone on board, the sooner we will start reaping the benefits.

Dave Hinders

National Secretary