Thursday, September 17, 2009

Internet/Public Event Membership

We are now offering USPS membership on the internet.  Visitors to our web site click on the “Join Us” button and can join by completing an application and paying with their credit card.  These new members will have unattached status and will be placed into the Cyber Squadron (6404).  This same process can be used for public events such as boat shows.


Internet Membership Charges



Initiation Fee

 $ 25.00

 $  25.00

National Dues

 $ 37.20

 $  55.80

District Assessment

 $   5.00

 $    7.50

Squadron Assessment

 $ 27.80

 $  41.70


 $ 95.00



The district and squadron assessments will be credited to the district and squadron when the new member transfers from the Cyber Squadron to a real squadron.  To aid in this process, the new member will be advised of the four closest squadrons and these squadrons will be asked to make contact and tell the new member about their squadron.  The message will look like the following:


Public Contact Paul Carter,


Bob Boater is a new unattached member and will be looking for a squadron to join. Podunk Squadron is 8 miles from the new members zip code. Contact information for the new member is:


Name: Bob Boater


Phone: (234)567-8901

Contact Time: ASAP

Location: Anytown, FL 32958


Please make contact and answer any questions about your squadron. Let us know that you have made contact by clicking on the following:




Dave Hinders

National Secretary


If your squadron receives such a message, please be sure to introduce your squadron to the new member.