Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tips for the Squadron Commander

If you are a new squadron commander, you may have been surprised with a “Dues Status” email this month.  If you didn’t receive one this month, it means that your squadron does not have any “PAST DUE” members or we don’t have a valid email address for you.  


The message is intended as a reminder that there are some members within your squadron who may need to be contacted.  It is not meant to be commentary on how your squadron is doing on membership.  The data in the message is a snapshot of the last 12 month.  I have received a number of requests for the names of the members who are “PAST DUE”.  That data is available at http://www.usps.org/dues/reports .  One of the requirements for accessing the data is a squadron password (Master, Updater or User).  That requirement has resulted in several messages from commanders indicating that they do not know their squadron passwords.  If you are just coming into office, your predecessor should have provided you with the passwords.  If not, just call headquarters and they will be glad to provide you with what you need.  If you are going out of office, please be sure to help your successor out and provide him or her with the tools needed to do the job.


If you did not receive the message because we do not have a valid email address for you, you should have been notified by a member of the bridge who does have a valid email address.  A common message I receive is along the lines of “I don’t know why national doesn’t have my email address, I’ve had it forever”.  Please do all of us a favor and check your profile on the Information Center (http://www.usps.org/national/tools ) .  Just scroll down to “Manage Your Profile” and you will see the data which is on file for you and you can update it.  You can also make updates thru DB2000.  If these do not work for you, headquarters is ready and willing to help.  It is essential that all bridge officers have a valid email address on file.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

SailAngle Tools Work

Squadrons which have taken advantage of the SailAngle Auto Enrollment option have taken a big step towards realizing the full potential of SailAngle. As can be seen in the following graph, Districts 16, 24, 28, and 30 had taken advantage of the option when these statistics were gathered. In the period from Jan 21st to Mar 10th, 599 additional USPS members were signed up. Two days later, 767 more joined the ranks.

For details click here.