Thursday, June 10, 2010

Enhanced Security - The Next Step

In last month’s broadcast, John Bradley posted a reminder that the time for switching from ZIP code to PIN to logon to the USPS web site is rapidly approaching.  When we checked on how many of our members have selected a security question, we found that only 2% had done so.  Given the fact that so few have taken the necessary steps to improve the security of our logon system, we have decided to do the following:

1.      Delay the transition.

2.      Implement a two tier security system.

a.      Logon with ZIP code and you have minimal access

b.      Logon with PIN and you have full access.

3.      Provide a simple mechanism for obtaining and changing your PIN.

4.      Spreading the word.

5.      Turning the new system on following the Fall Governing Board.


It is most important that those who need access to the data we are trying to protect, have selected a security question and switched to using the PIN to logon.  The leadership of USPS is doing somewhat better than the general membership, but still has a ways to go. 



Security Question














To improve the logon security of our system, we need the help of our leadership.  The national bridge has committed to PIN logon and the entire bridge has selected their security question.  We would like to see 100% for all of these ranks.  Visit the Information Center and select “Manage Your Security Information”.


Once our leaders find out how easy it is, we would like for them to help us spread the word to their committees, districts, and squadrons.


Can we count on you?


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

District/Squadron Administrative Officer Leadership Training

The roll-out of the DAO/SAO course, piloted at the Annual Meeting in Orlando, travels to a city near you.


Our Chief Commander Frank Dvorak, SN, and our board of directors approved 11 locations across the country for each of our sitting and incoming administrative officers to participate in this exciting leadership training opportunity. This course and others in the series (for executive officers and commanders) are funded by the Century Endowment Fund. Summer locations include New Orleans (D/15), Puerto Rico (D/33) and our Governing Board (D/16) in Bellevue – coast to coast geography.


Please see for other cities, contacts, registration forms, venues, faculty and a full course outline. All members may take the course – space permitting. Please make your reservations early.

On 9 Oct., D/8 will host the Beta test for the newly developed District and Squadron Executive Officer course, with the formal introduction set for the 2011 Annual Meeting in Orlando. District and Squadron Administrative course completion is a prerequisite for attendance. Plan your summer and autumn schedules to include the training.


If you have questions, please feel free to contact Stf/C Anita F. Walker, JN, at Training.