Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blast for December

COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE AT EXPO.  At the February 2011 USPS Annual Meeting, there will be space provided at EXPO to display the District and Squadron award winning newsletters.  If your district or squadron newsletter is one of among those so recognized, please hand-carry only 25 copies of it to the meeting for display at our committee tables.  By sharing in this way, others can have an example of what is expected in a newsletter that is presented the Distinctive Communicator Award.  The logo for this award will be on our committee website for editors to pull down and use in the pages of newsletters and on websites.
A pin has been created and approved to be worn only by those staff members whose productions are given the "Distinctive Communicator" award for 2010.  These pins are available through the Ship's Store on line ( or by phone.  Only a small number of these pins will be on hand at the USPS Annual Meeting in February, so order early.  The names of award winning newsletters and websites will be published on the Communications Committee website and in The Ensign early in 2011.
R/C Brenda Joyce, P
Communications Committee