Wednesday, May 18, 2011

BOC small craft boat size

The USPS Boat Operator Certification program starts out with single-engine, small (under 26 feet) boats with the boat size getting larger as you progress through the program.

The program was specifically designed to start out with single-engine small boats regardless of the boat typically used by the operator because:
1. Most skills and knowledge that are used in a small boat will transfer to a larger craft.
2. A smaller boat alows one person to do the maneuvers.
3. Smaller boats allow the operators to feel the maneuvers and to see the results immediately.
4. Single engines take more skill to maneuver in tight quarters; the use of twin engines and bow thrusters relies too much on the boat and not on the abilities of the operator to do the maneuvers
5. Small craft generally have less gear and equipment on board to worry about during high-speed maneuvers, allowing the operator and instructor to concentrate on the training and spend less time worrying about the operation of the larger boat.
6. The certification is to demonstrate you understand the forces acting on a boat and the resultant responses. This will stay with you as you change the type of boat you use.


Chris Windeler