Thursday, June 21, 2012

USPS Budget Committee Needs You

The USPS Budget Committee is looking for a new member who is an expert in creating and using large Excel spreadsheets and has experience verifying calculations in existing models with multiple linking sheets and equations as well as creating and verifying new sheets, equations, and links. The majority of work can be completed online from December to May. If you are interested, please update your resume, indicating an interest in the Budget Committee Excel model.

Budget Committee Job Description: The Budget Committee Excel worksheet is a tool used to gather data and recommend a budget for the next fiscal year. It’s also used to record historical budgets and actual expenses over the past several years. As USPS committees and tasks are added and subtracted during the year new equations, sheets, and links must be created and verified while preserving the historical records. During the budget development process revenue, expenses and rationale created by USPS committees for hundreds of accounting codes will be provided for your entry into the model. As the budget creation process continues, you will create new sheets and links and enter the data displaying the detailed Budget Committee recommended revenue, expense and rationale for the next year.  During creation of the new sheets all of the requests and rationale submitted by the various departments must be preserved. After the Board of Directors approves the budget you will enter the new data into the model.  –Nigel Hargreaves