Monday, October 29, 2007

Availability of DB2000V3 release 7.2.0

This is to announce the availability of DB2000V3 version 7.2.0.

This version contains a number of enhancements and bug fixes.

1.If upgrading from a pre version 7 to version 7 or later, and then uninstalling and reinstalling, there was a possibility that databases which were copied from Program Files to My Documents during the first installation of version 7 would be deleted during the uninstall and would not be available during the reinstall, i.e. they were lost. This has been corrected.

2.The encoding/decoding mechanism had the potential to generate incorrect data resulting in the inability to decode an encoded file either on your local machine or on the HQ machine. This has been corrected.

3.A new program DB2000Diag.exe has been added to the install to allow the support group to gather pertinent information on your machine and DB2000 installation to assist in problem determination.

4.Spell checking has been added to the Historian's Report and to the Merit Mark facilities.

5.Electronic Merit Mark committee definitions have been upgraded to allow recommendations by the V/Cs without fudging.

6. HTTP:// has been updated to reflect solutions for the most frequent problems seen.

Stf/C John R. Bradley, SN
Member USPS Information Technology Committee