Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Membership Committee Update

REMINDER:  Poster Contest


Now is the time to get any and all kids involved in the 2008-2009 youth poster contest. A squadron can take this poster contest to the schools and use it as a recruiting tool or make it a squadron family affair - get the kids involved and before you know it you may get some active parents. 


There were some great posters at the national meeting in Detroit last year - let's see if we can't outdo what was done last year! Please encourage all your members with kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews to have the kids participate.  What a way for the kids to learn about USPS® and how it helps us all become and remain safe boaters.  The theme this year is “Boating is Fun”.  I am sure that most kids will agree with that!  Please encourage those that participated last year to participate again this year.  And don’t forget there are monetary prizes for the top winners at National.


The rules and entry form plus ideas from the past poster contest can be found at -  Please make copies and distribute at your upcoming general meetings.  Vote for your district’s winners at an upcoming spring conference or a summer rendezvous – one winner for each of the 3 age groups.




Stf/C Linda LaLonde, P

National Membership Committee





Don’t forget to enter the P/C/C WILLIAM D. SELDEN, IV, SN, MEMBERSHIP INVOLVEMENT RETENTION AWARD better known as MIRA 2009.   This competition is for all squadrons and Districts to enter and there are monetary awards for the squadrons as well as trophies for all winners.  Dollar amounts for the squadrons is decided by P/D/C Wm. Selden, V who also provides the marble trophies.

Any squadron or District may enter by describing a program that has devised and utilized a plan to increase Member Involvement/Retention, and that has produced measurable results. Don’t forget to include an accounting of how your program impacts retention.   So, whether you refined a plan that has worked before or designed a new plan, please submit your entries

A Squadron or District Membership Committee, via their Involvement Chair, submits an entry prior to the deadline of 15 May 2009 to the District Membership Committee who in turn submits these entries to the National Award Chair.

The winning entries will be presented at the USPS® Fall 2009 Governing Board in Kansas City..

Don’t forget to use the form found at ;

For more information, contact