Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This is the time of year to roll out the big guns and recruit new members as they begin to think about boating.  Boaters are “dreamers;” in the current market they tend to learn skills or get ready for a future boat, or look for ways to get more out of their existing boats.  Our programs are a bargain!  Post a three month schedule of programs.  Here are two suggestions:


1)      Offer sessions of Americas’ Boating Course – use National Safe Boating Week as a focus – offer one session before, one during, and one in June – post all three and use the common advertising to get attention.  This gets us new boaters and their families.  ABC3 flyers and posters are available at Headquarters.


2)      Offer a Series of Seminars – try one every two weeks through June on the same day of the week and the same location.  Post the entire schedule.  Get people accustomed to your being there.  Attendance will build.  Offer a discount, e.g. – “Take 3, get one free.”  Don’t be hesitant to charge for them.  This gets us experienced boaters and their friends/family.  Seminar graphics are available on line and some new flyers are in stock at Headquarters.


We have discovered that those districts and squadrons that plan and promote a series of programs at a specific location or small group of locations do far better in attendance.  The list and choices of dates presents a more impressive presence than programs one at a time.  Use a team approach to recruiting those who show up.  Show them what we do for courses and events.  Remember, the seminars also help with member retention.  Make sure members get special privileges and a discount.


Bob Sweet, NEO