Friday, May 15, 2009

June 2009 Operations Manual

The JUNE 2009 release of the Operations, Membership, Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Manuals are published and on-line.

Please know we made every effort to ensure this release is as accurate and current as possible. Included in this release and available for download are the Operations Manual, Membership Manual, Secretary’s Manual and the newly updated Treasurer’s Manual. Either the entire Operations Manual or individual chapters can be separately downloaded as needed. In the Operations Manual, please note that Chapter 13 is the text of the Membership Manual, Chapter 15 is the text of the Secretary's Manual and Chapter 17 is the text of the Treasurer's Manual. The stand-alone manuals include a cover, title page, index of URLs and an index.

Know there are substantial updates in this release. Each section on dues was rewritten based on the USPS-wide adoption of HQAB; the history chapter was updated with the latest events since 2000, the Treasurer’s manual was substantially rewritten and updated, as well as was chapter six of the Operations Manual. Several minor updates were made throughout each manual and reviewed by all concerned before publishing. Should you find any inconsistencies, please email the committee and let us work to resolve them.

1) PLEASE NOTE that we request you advise your webmasters to LINK to their respective pages/documents on the Operations Manual website vice copying the documents to their web space. Historically, there will continue to be both major and minor updates to each manual during the coming year. By linking to the document, they will not have to copy the updated document to their web space each time a new release is announced; and

2) PLEASE NOTE I will cut the master CD for Lena so she can get it duplicated for the Commander’s Kits on or around the first of June, two weeks hence. If you find any problem in any manual within the next two weeks, please let me know before then so I may include the updates in the master CD.

Stf/C Harry Hebb, SN

For the Committee