Monday, December 21, 2009

Time for Team Ready

Time for Team Ready

It’s time. It’s time to turn things around. Squadron membership is down. Squadrons are having trouble filling leadership positions. We need to make membership Job One.

The environment has changed. Folks have less time for civic organizations. States are offering low cost or even free boating classes. Our traditional methods of recruitment just aren’t as effective.

However, the market is huge and our market share is tiny. With over 70 million boaters and 13 million registered boats, our 40,000 members represent only 0.06% of the market.

We have the tools. Our educational program, with our classes, seminars, and operator certification, is second to none. We have marketing and public relations tools available for free or reduced cost. We have experts in recruitment, retention, leadership, activities, and member benefits. We have membership opportunities for every type of boater.

What we lack is a way to help squadrons employ these tools. What we need is a team of experts ready to assist squadrons and districts; a resource available with tools and suggestions to help squadrons be all they can be; a Team Ready. This is where you come in.

We’re recruiting a group of regional Team Ready Representatives. Technically, assistants to the National Administrative Officer, TRRs will receive special training in education, public relations, recruitment, squadron activities, and leadership development. TRRs will be a regional resource for squadrons and districts to lead local seminars and provide information as requested. TRRs will be the power users of all the tools USPS has available.

It’s time. Are you ready to help? Are you Team Ready? If you’re interested, please submit a resume’ at and look for “Admin Dept – Team Ready Rep” in the National Assignment Section drop down box. We’ll be starting with one TRR from each of the eight regions used by Operator Certification: Caribbean, Mid Atlantic, Midwest, Mid South, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest.

USPS is coming about and charting a new course. We are Team Ready!

By P/V/C Robert Baldridge, SN

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


We're asking for help in reaching out to USPS members to complete a brief survey on NOAA nautical charts and chart updates. It's a follow up to a 2008 survey, conducted in cooperation with NOAA, USPS, and OceanGrafix, which is NOAA's POD (print on demand) chart provider. Your participation would help a lot, and if you can forward this request to other ' boating active ' members of your squadrons who might not have received this e-blast it would help even more. Thank you for your help! Link to the survey and details about its purpose is here: ( Announces Next Series of Webinars

Beginning 04 January, 2010, SailAngle will launch the next series of weekly Webinars to demonstrate the powerful tools that will help you and your Squadron members get the most from The next Webinar will focus on advanced messaging techniques for effective communication with your Squadron, District, Committees, and individual Members. The following week will begin a series of SailAngle 101 Webinars starting with “Basic Website Navigation.” The Advanced Messaging Webinar will be held on Tuesday, January 5th at 7:30 PM EST. Visit the SailAngle Webinar page to register to attend and to watch previously recorded Webinars. Space is limited so reserve your spot right away.

To register and view an archive of recorded Webinars, visit:

Keep your eye out in January for the first Boating Education Webinar “Maneuvering in Tight Quarters” to be presented on by Robert "Bob" Sweet, the USPS National Education Officer. This will be the first in a series of Educational Webinars offered throughout 2010.

Have you activated your account?

If not, you need to act now!  You are missing out on all the features specially designed for the USPS that have become our “standard communication platform.”  It's free for USPS members and the Squadron Groups are totally private, meaning your communication and the Squadron's communications on are protected, SPAM-free and more secure than on any public website.  Don't miss out - - activate you account today and join your fellow USPS members on  Go to and click on the "Access" button; it only takes a minute and you will automatically be a member of your Squadron, District, National, and Committee Groups.



Wednesday, December 9, 2009

USPS Annual Meeting and EXPO

The best investment of your time, February 2 through 7, next year would be to attend the USPS Annual Meeting and EXPO at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort, Convention Center and Exhibit Hall, near Orlando, Florida. Address:1000 W. Buena Vista Drive, Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830. Attend as many days as you like, but don't miss Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Don't miss Leadership Training, Educational Meetings, DB 2000 Seminar, Adult CPR Training, Fashion Show, Weather Seminar, How to Form a Provisional Squadrons and all of the Department discussions at EXPO. See details at National Meetings Committee Page. See your D/C about social activities

R/C Trudy Brown, AP
National Meetings Committee
Ph: 425-454-0115, Cell 425-753-3667
Address: 3220 98th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98004