Monday, December 21, 2009

Time for Team Ready

Time for Team Ready

It’s time. It’s time to turn things around. Squadron membership is down. Squadrons are having trouble filling leadership positions. We need to make membership Job One.

The environment has changed. Folks have less time for civic organizations. States are offering low cost or even free boating classes. Our traditional methods of recruitment just aren’t as effective.

However, the market is huge and our market share is tiny. With over 70 million boaters and 13 million registered boats, our 40,000 members represent only 0.06% of the market.

We have the tools. Our educational program, with our classes, seminars, and operator certification, is second to none. We have marketing and public relations tools available for free or reduced cost. We have experts in recruitment, retention, leadership, activities, and member benefits. We have membership opportunities for every type of boater.

What we lack is a way to help squadrons employ these tools. What we need is a team of experts ready to assist squadrons and districts; a resource available with tools and suggestions to help squadrons be all they can be; a Team Ready. This is where you come in.

We’re recruiting a group of regional Team Ready Representatives. Technically, assistants to the National Administrative Officer, TRRs will receive special training in education, public relations, recruitment, squadron activities, and leadership development. TRRs will be a regional resource for squadrons and districts to lead local seminars and provide information as requested. TRRs will be the power users of all the tools USPS has available.

It’s time. Are you ready to help? Are you Team Ready? If you’re interested, please submit a resume’ at and look for “Admin Dept – Team Ready Rep” in the National Assignment Section drop down box. We’ll be starting with one TRR from each of the eight regions used by Operator Certification: Caribbean, Mid Atlantic, Midwest, Mid South, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest.

USPS is coming about and charting a new course. We are Team Ready!

By P/V/C Robert Baldridge, SN