Thursday, April 14, 2011

ABC3 Classroom Trial Membership A Smashing Success, Has Cutoff Dates

Word is coming in that squadrons are seeing great success recruiting new members using the ABC3 Trial Membership Program. Under the program squadrons may choose to offer students that successfully complete the ABC3 Classroom course membership in their squadron free for six months. The offer is good for the students’ household members as well. Squadrons are regularly reporting over 90% of students joining.

There are a couple of rules:

The squadron must register the class and the students using the online HQ800 program and/or BCA 7.

The new member must complete a MemCom1 and the squadron must submit the membership data electronically.

There is a time limit:

For classes ending before 1 May, the students must accept membership and the online information must be entered prior to 30 May. For classes ending 1 May or later, the cutoff date is 30 days after the class end.

Check out the Membership Committee web site, , for more information.

Don’t stop recruiting after signing up the new member. Get them to a meeting, to a rendezvous, and into a class. ABC3 Classroom Trial – the hottest thing going!

V/C Robert A. Baldridge, SN