Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New SailAngle Sign-up Tool

When the SailAngle sign-up’s in Darien Squadron jumped from 12 to 353, Stamford Squadron jumped from 7 to 155, and San Luis Rey Squadron jumped from 24 to 106, it was apparent that something significant had happened. 


Squadron’s anxious to take advantage of the Group Messaging, RSVP Calendar Events, and Group Forum Messages which SailAngle offers approached the folks at SailAngle.com with an alternative to individual sign-up’s. 

  • The squadron notifies their members that they will be signed up on SailAngle.
  • Members may elect to opt out. 
  • After an appropriate waiting period, the squadron provides SailAngle with the certificates of all who have not opted out.
  • SailAngle enrolls those members.


SailAngle agreed to provide the tools and the results have been great.  At this time seven squadrons have adopted auto enrollment paving the way for improved communications within their squadrons.


The power of the tools available on SailAngle is directly proportional to the number of members signed up.  To empower all of USPS, we encourage all of our squadrons to embrace the Automatic Enrollment Program.  SailAngle has provided step-by-step instructions and sample letters at the link below:





Dave Hinders

National Secretary