Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cyber Squadron is Growing

In 2009, we introduced the concept of a “Cyber Squadron”. Visitors to the USPS web site could join by simply filling out an application and paying their dues via credit card. These new members are assigned to the “Cyber Squadron” and have most of the benefits of membership. The one benefit which is lacking is the social aspects of belonging to a real squadron. To ensure that ALL benefits of membership are available, the new members are encouraged to transfer to a real squadron. To help in the process, they are provided with contact information for the four closest (within 100 miles) squadrons in their neighborhood. At the same time, these squadrons are notified that there is a new member who is looking for a squadron.

In June of 2010, we expanded the Cyber Squadron by awarding six months of free membership to anyone purchasing Americas Boating Course version 3 online. The only restriction is that the student must be 18 years or older and provide a valid email address. The same notification process applies to the “ABC3” members.

The following graph illustrates the impact of this new program on Cyber Squadron.

Cyber Squadron membership is an opportunity for squadron growth. All you have to do is introduce them to the educational opportunities, squadron activities, and your members. Invite them to a dinner meeting, a rendezvous, any fun activity where they can see your squadron in action. Send them a copy of your newsletter. Hopefully, they will be convinced that your squadron is the one for them.

Transferring a Cyber Squadron member to a real squadron is “paperless” and simple. When they join, the Cyber Squadron member is provided with the URL of a transfer page ( ) where they enter their PIN, select the squadron they wish to transfer to, and click “Submit”. An email message is sent to the squadron asking for approval. Headquarters and the member are also copied and when the squadron does a “Reply All” indicating approval, headquarters makes the transfer.

If the transferring member paid a full years dues, the squadron and district will receive the funds collected for them. The amount collected is the USPS average for an individual or a family unit. This funds transfer takes place automatically when the member transfer is completed.

Cyber Squadron Funds



District Assessment

$ 5.00

$ 7.50

Squadron Assessment

$ 27.80

$ 41.70

Since no dues were collected for the ABC3 Cyber Squadron members, no funds are transferred.

The Cyber Squadron program is made possible thru electronic communications. Therefore, it is important that squadron members in key positions have valid email addresses on file. The squadron Public Contact is the first person we try to notify of a new Cyber Squadron member. A quick way to check on your squadron’s Public Contact is to visit ( )

Your squadron may have Cyber Squadron members nearby or you may have unattached members in your neighborhood. To find out if there are potential membership opportunities near you, just visit ( ).

Membership is Job #1